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Search found 583 matches

by vit9696
24 Mar 2024, 23:25
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Umineko Project Spanish patch
Replies: 6
Views: 17254

Re: Umineko Project Spanish patch

Great job! Would you like us to publish your work on https://umineko-project.org/en/umineko-multilingua/?
by vit9696
05 Oct 2023, 23:31
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Umineko Project Spanish patch
Replies: 6
Views: 17254

Re: Umineko Project Spanish patch

Hey! Glad to hear more people are involved in Umineko adaption. Surely we can consider adding your project to our Multilingua page when more progress is made ^_^
by vit9696
13 Feb 2023, 10:01
Forum: β-testing / β-тестирование
Topic: Final line of the game missing
Replies: 2
Views: 15475

Re: Final line of the game missing

This matches PS3: https://youtu.be/Xg1u3sTI4HY?list=PLPXm ... mnS&t=2545
We can fix this, but I do not know if it was intentional. Could you check PS4 or Switch?
by vit9696
22 Jul 2022, 18:14
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Episode 5 Glitch
Replies: 2
Views: 9121

Re: Episode 5 Glitch

I think it is not showing which characters died, but rather characters on the board. At least I am pretty sure that's how it was on PS3. Do you have a console nearby to check it out?
by vit9696
16 Apr 2022, 22:21
Forum: β-testing / β-тестирование
Topic: Audio not working at all on iphone
Replies: 1
Views: 6738

Re: Audio not working at all on iphone

Is it both with phones and without them? Also, try three-finger up swipe for unmute.
by vit9696
16 Apr 2022, 22:19
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Отсутствие звука в новелле
Replies: 2
Views: 8210

Re: Отсутствие звука в новелле

Какая-то мистика с этим делом, потому что у меня не воспроизводится. Я могу предложить разве что с форматами вывода звука поиграть в ons.cfg. Вот тут есть комментарий про audioformat: Sound quality issues
by vit9696
02 Feb 2022, 18:35
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Какой из двух переводов лучше?
Replies: 1
Views: 7662

Re: Какой из двух переводов лучше?

Я бы сказал, что оба перевода достаточно неплохи, но по качеству английский перевод значительно лучше и более качественно вылизан.
by vit9696
31 Jan 2022, 05:55
Forum: β-testing / β-тестирование
Topic: Assets/Graphics not loading
Replies: 2
Views: 7662

Re: Assets/Graphics not loading

Try adding render-self=no line to ons.cfg.
by vit9696
12 Jan 2022, 13:39
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: onscripter-ru RTL
Replies: 7
Views: 12739

Re: onscripter-ru RTL

Unfortunately we are very tired of this project to spend extra time on it both free and paid. The compilation instructions are published here: https://github.com/umineko-project/onsc ... ilation.md. Hope it helps!
by vit9696
12 Jan 2022, 06:34
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Lost save files, looking for advice
Replies: 3
Views: 9481

Re: Lost save files, looking for advice

As long as the settings are removed their effects are lost, plus you cannot reach 100% completion with them.