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Assets/Graphics not loading

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Assets/Graphics not loading

Post by Mechanekko »

Hello! I recently installed all of the necessary files for the Umineko Project and managed to get the game to boot up. I even installed the extra resources pack and followed the detailed instructions regarding "Graphical Issues" on the FAQ. Unfortunately my game is still not loading the assets. Some assets will load, I tried the prologue scene of Episode 1 and found the chessboard background and the chandelier background will load, however anything other than the font fails.
Screenshot (314).png
Screenshot (314).png (960 KiB) Viewed 7662 times

Here are my files and the folder directory
Screenshot (315).png
Screenshot (315).png (91.46 KiB) Viewed 7662 times

My Graphics Driver is an AMD Radeon R7 240 and the graphics driver should be fully updated. At least according to the Windows Device manager. Thank you! :D
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Re: Assets/Graphics not loading

Post by vit9696 »

Try adding render-self=no line to ons.cfg.
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Re: Assets/Graphics not loading

Post by Mechanekko »

Thank you so much! It works perfectly now. Thank you :)
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