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Textbox window bug?

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Textbox window bug?

Post by YNagato »

This seems to be a little bug from the English/Russian version, so it might be appropriate to report here rather than in the Chinese SNS bloc.

We stumbled upon this issue when we played with switching between different textbox window types. We found that during the game if we switch from one textbox window type to another and then switch back to the previous type, the dimension of the textbox window would be somehow shifted as well rather than going back to the original state. You can tell from the variations of the distance from the boundaries of the window frame. And this would be reset and back to normal only when we restart the game.

Here are the snapshots we took to show the shift in the textbox window dimension:
[+] Spoiler
Original textbox window type
1.png (2.43 MiB) Viewed 19096 times
Switch to another textbox window type
2.png (2.19 MiB) Viewed 19096 times
Switch back to the original textbox window type
3.png (2.22 MiB) Viewed 19096 times
In comparison to the 1st pic
1.png (2.43 MiB) Viewed 19096 times
Last edited by YNagato on 24 Jan 2020, 21:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Text box bug?

Post by YNagato »

One more pic to show the shift in textbox window dimension:
4.jpg (44.33 KiB) Viewed 19095 times
Just thought you might want to know.
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by vit9696 »

Indeed, the issue is caused due to incomplete textwindow dimension update in settings. There also are issues with changing textbox when fullscreen text is displayed (e.g. in the end of chapter 4 in episode 1).

Fixed in master:
[master f9aa433] Fix textbox positioning after updating it in settings
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

Please report whether it works correctly.
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by YNagato »

The fix is good! Problem solved. Many thanks!
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by YNagato »

Hi Vit,

We have just found out that this bug still lingers. If one saves and then loads the file, the dimension of the textbox window would shift. Would you please help fix it? Many thanks!

Here are the snapshot:
[+] Spoiler
The normal textbox window dimension:
1.jpg (127.22 KiB) Viewed 18330 times
The shifted dimension after loading:
2.jpg (127.79 KiB) Viewed 18330 times
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by vit9696 »

Well, old saves will obviously cause the bug. New ones will not. That is expected and not fixable.
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by YNagato »

But these are all new saves. I can testify that the engine, script, save files were all created in this week. And I very recently reset the game and erased all the records before and after the fix. Would you please take a second look? Many thanks!
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by vit9696 »

Hmmm, tried fixing in master.
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Re: Textbox window bug?

Post by YNagato »

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