Hi, so I was reading trough EP3 again and I found a big CGI error that only started occur after I installed EP5 and I think I know reason for it, but want to make sure first by asking the guys here if you have the same problem.
When Rudolf and Kyrie CGI comes up in EP3 the pictures are cut half black and there is rain effect in the background. With Rudolf it is in every CGI, but with Kyrie it only is in her "mad" state. So I understand that this is possible error with the already EP7 Tea party assets getting connected to the EP3 assets. So the thing I am not sure about is that, is it a problem with everyone or is it just me having installed the EP5 wrong, even though I think I did everything like I was instructed to do.
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New Rudolf/Kyrie CGI error
Re: New Rudolf/Kyrie CGI error
Hi, this works fine for me, and I expect there to be no issue with the release. It could be that your script is outdated or something like that. The screenshot shows a different alpha-masking mode applied on the image. This is a script job, and I could imagine us changing something in the assets, which could conflict with outdated scripts.
Re: New Rudolf/Kyrie CGI error
Well I installed Umineko completely from scratch again and everything is fixed now, but there is one thing I am worried and I don't know if it is something that is meant to be and all that, but is this normal?
Re: New Rudolf/Kyrie CGI error
Hi, this looks like outdated extra to me as you most likely failed to follow the extraction order and/or downloaded an old extra archive.
Ugh, I guess we *reeeeallly* need to simplify the installation process.
Ugh, I guess we *reeeeallly* need to simplify the installation process.
Re: New Rudolf/Kyrie CGI error
Oh no, I am really sorry that I have bothered you people with stupid questions. I figured everything out now myself and get everything fixed. Once again I am really sorry, it really is my fault for not using logic and not being more careful with these things. Anyway thank you for informing that the problem was in my end. You guys have amazing and clear installation process and it really isn't anything you need to simplify. It's my fault for missing such obvious things.