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[EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Any non-technical Umineko-related stuff.
Всё что угодно на около-Umineko-подобные нетехнические темы.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by luster2 »

Giza wrote: 07 Dec 2020, 16:31 I think, do not have the required voice file. Check files
Ah, that was my first guess yesterday. But I was looking for a missing file in ./Umineko/sound/voice/13 that would start with "1" (as in: chapter 1). And I did find a few files that skipped the n+1 convention, so I tried putting an .ogg file with 1 second of silence in those "gaps", but it didn't do the trick.

What I didn't expect is that the tea parties have a prefix of their own. And sure enough:
ZArchiver must have skipped 90400073.ogg when I was unpacking the archive.

I put in a blank 90400073.ogg file and everything's A-okay now:

All I can say is: thanks for a super quick response. Back to reading and being amazed at the sheer amount of work the team put into this project. Thanks!

Had to make a new account since there's an issue with password recovery, I think. Don't be mad at me, please.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by vit9696 »

Had to make a new account since there's an issue with password recovery, I think. Don't be mad at me, please.
Some mail providers have mail delivery issues. Usually Microsoft is broken.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by Zeatheon »

There are some weird dots on all of the sprites or any animated sprites. Tried changing the resolution and the renderers but the results are the same.
Screenshot_20201224-163658.jpg (52.44 KiB) Viewed 15156 times
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by ooa »

Zeatheon wrote: 24 Dec 2020, 11:53 There are some weird dots on all of the sprites or any animated sprites. Tried changing the resolution and the renderers but the results are the same.
This is generally an issue with self-rendering. Use "render-self=no" in ons.cfg.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by Zeatheon »

ooa wrote: 24 Dec 2020, 12:07
Zeatheon wrote: 24 Dec 2020, 11:53 There are some weird dots on all of the sprites or any animated sprites. Tried changing the resolution and the renderers but the results are the same.
This is generally an issue with self-rendering. Use "render-self=no" in ons.cfg.
Thanks, it worked.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by MakotoShinji »

Can anyone upload Umineko android downloading tutorial video on YT?
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by shikkakun »

I'm trying to play on a device with Android 11 system.
Since when I tried to zip the files, the program told me the following files couldn't be transferred because they have an invalid number. I tried to open the game and the game also won't initiate because of this. I'm attaching a screenshot. Sorry if this is not a good hoster for photos. https://ibb.co/dgPQ5mz
I also tried copying the files from my computer (I also have it installed there) to my cellphone but my cellphone doesn't recognize it no matter what. I can't transfer the file or even create a dummy, because that character is not valid (this one )

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by ndgnuh »

How do I fix this weird offset problem on Android? I have tried every kind of window size and rendering configuration but it doesn't help. Thank you!


My phone model is Redmi Note9 Pro. I notice some other readers have this problem, too. Maybe it have something to do with 16:10 screen.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by vit9696 »

Apparently adding fullscreen option should fix this behaviour.

Addressed in https://github.com/umineko-project/onsc ... afcd1d907d
Updated the first post. You need to specify system-offset-x=N with suitable N value for your system.
Thanks a lot to ndgnuh for discovering this.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by Kami39 »

Two problems.

One, the touchscreen won't work. I'm using a Samsung s10 Lite.

Two, after using a wireless controller I could start the game but the game occupies only the top left of the screen.

Would appreciate an answer to the second problem.
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