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[EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Any non-technical Umineko-related stuff.
Всё что угодно на около-Umineko-подобные нетехнические темы.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by otter »

Hey, so I've managed to get over several installation process issues until now and I'm currently stumped. I've already figured out I have to extract the .7z files on PC (it always errored out while extracting in android).

Phone is Samsung A51, Android 11. Updated files to r4005.
I have the game files in external SD, /0000-0000/ONScripter-RU, and I had to manually make an ONScripter-RU file in internal, /emulated/0, with a default.cfg pointing to external SD to get over the invalid directory error. Not having issues with game alignment and game file verification even gave me an "All good!" but never starts the game. It only created a savedata folder in internal (no ons.cfg, attempts to add a blank one manually to either internal/external folders brings me back to invalid directory error).
Screenshot_20210915-181817.jpg (113.25 KiB) Viewed 16737 times
That is as far as I have gotten and no matter how long I wait it does not start. On Mac I can just close and restart and it plays the game but on android it goes back to re-verifying the files.

Here are what my internal and external folders look like, the external one possibly can't be edited by the game hence the issues? https://imgur.com/a/PaQyBBM

EDIT: here's the logcat filtered to only onscripter-ru entries, ran it while the file verification process was ongoing until past the "all good!" message, until entries slowed down. https://ghostbin.com/paste/Pf48b

Thanks in advance
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by vit9696 »

Perform two-finger tap on the screen after completing the verification.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by Haku219 »

I'm having a weird issue on Android with a Snapdragon 855 device where there's severe input latency for single taps, but not for double taps or any of the swipe gestures. So it wouldn't be performance related or anything. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it?

I'm playing the game with the Japanese patch, but as that just changed the fonts and script, I don't think that's the cause.
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Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Post by Miskuzi »

При разрешении не 16:9 полетели влево кнопки.
То есть на экране вот есть кнопка, но чтобы на неё ткнуть, надо тыкать пикселей на 300 левее самой кнопки. И ещё почему-то правый край изображения обрезался (насчёт левого не знаю, справа просто меню и это заметно).

Так, почитал тему, добавляю system-offset-x=180 в ons.cfg, но после этого игра перестаёт запускаться. Просто при открытии моментально закрывается.
Хотя у меня разрешение немного другое (не 2400, а 2460). Чё-то там посчитал, пересчитал по этим "формулам" получил 210, но всё равно не работает.

Через настройки игры поставил "В окне" и 1920 ширина, заработало. Когда стояло "Авто", то не работало.
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