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Chaumin wrote:I'm having an issue with saving though. I think it's probably because I moved the game files from my desktop to my documents, since I could still save before I moved everything. Is there any way to fix this without re-downloading everything, or should I keep the files on my desktop?
Hmmm, it's meant to work even after being moved...
Sorry for the inconvenience, but could you answer some questions? We'd like to get to the bottom of this
Can you describe exactly what happens?
(Something like: You right click, hit save, choose a slot, see the save appear, exit the game (how?), and when you reopen it and select Load from the main menu the save is not there?)
Can you PM or post the full path of the game exe in Documents, if that's not confidential? We're interested in whether it has any unusual (non-Latin) characters in it. You can also PM it for privacy. (If the exe is loose in Documents, you can get the full path by right-click -> Properties)
Can you put your "C:\ProgramData\ONScripter-RU" save data folder in a zip file and attach it to a post or PM?
(Please mention it if: The game crashed and you have an RPT file; you have altered Windows's UAC settings; you have installed iCloud Drive; you have previously run a different version of the game)
Damn, there's just so many ways for things to go wrong...
Given the description Knox forwarded me in the evening, and my crystal ball I have finally got repaired, it looks like a path issue.
ONScripter-RU save* folder is generally chosen in the following order on Windows Vista and above:
User provided path if save option is used in ons.cfg;
Game directory if shfolder does not tell us where ProgramData or AppData are;
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Users\%USERNAME%\iCloudDrive if iCloud Drive app is installed and disable-icloud is not present in ons.cfg;
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData or %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming depending on current-user-appdata presence in ons.cfg.
If the folder does not exist or is not writable the similar issues you experience will happen.
It is unlikely shfolder fails on Windows 10, and UAC preferences are now relatively harmless it looks like.
Therefore I suspect you somehow got a save option pointing to a non-existent folder present in ons.cfg.
Could you show us ons.cfg contents? (You can open it in Notepad.)
Did you set save (or maybe root) variables in ons.cfg on your own, if they are present?
If these variables are present and they were not added by you, does removing them help to solve the issue?
Good luck
*Save folder will not include logs (enabled by use-logfile option) if the iCloudDrive or custom save path folders are used, err.txt and out.txt will go to a next directory according to the priority. This is done due to an obvious reason.