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Can't use Angle renderers
Can't use Angle renderers
My friend is playing through Umineko Project but when he's streaming it on Discord it always crashes. But we found a solution, which is switching from OpenGL to Angle2/3, but when he tries to do that and restarts Umineko Project, it displays: "Cannot use preferred renderer ANGLE2/3! Will try other available renderers now." What could be the solution to this? I'm not very tech savvy so I'm not even sure what ANGLE is, even after looking it up on wikipedia.
Re: Can't use Angle renderers
Try update graphic drivers.
Re: Can't use Angle renderers
He did very recently. His drivers are very new, less than a month old.
Maybe that is the issue, that his drivers are too new?
Maybe that is the issue, that his drivers are too new?