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Omake 8 2nd floor errors

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Omake 8 2nd floor errors

Post by YNagato »

In the Umineko Project postscript (on the 2nd floor in Omake 8), the right-click menu is supposedly disabled so that no save/load/log.... can function. But I found several related errors.

1. One can actually open the right-click menu if one, having been sent back to the first floor after watching the postscript, immediately goes back to the 2nd floor and watches the postscript again. I don't think this inconsistency is intentional.
0.png (739.88 KiB) Viewed 12896 times
2. If one chooses to save, a weird save file will be created, with no title but only the date.
00.png (697.85 KiB) Viewed 12896 times
3. If one chooses to use the log, there would be two irregular situations. The conditions under which one rather than another happens is not entirely certain. But as far as I can tell:

a. If one has just finished EP8 before creating the save aforementioned, the log opened in the Omake 8 postscript will be a full text of EP8.
1.png (1.38 MiB) Viewed 12896 times
b. If one has just visited a previous EP before creating the save aforementioned, the log opened in the Omake 8 postscript will be blank, and the game will crash.
Last edited by YNagato on 18 Apr 2020, 19:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Omake 8 2nd floor errors

Post by YNagato »

The crash error message is:
2.png (1.67 MiB) Viewed 12893 times
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Re: Omake 8 2nd floor errors

Post by vit9696 »

This should be resolved in:

Code: Select all

[master ae2d84f] Maintain disable rmenu across omake returns
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
Please confirm. Right-click menu should always be disabled, so only the initial issue is valid.
Posts: 223
Joined: 08 Jul 2016, 21:35
Gender: Male

Re: Omake 8 2nd floor errors

Post by YNagato »

Thanks! Here is confirmed that the fix is effective.
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