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Two minor things about menus

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Two minor things about menus

Post by YNagato »

1. The Music Box menu:

Like other menus in the game, the cursor "highlights" the button it hovers over; but unlike other menus, the highlight of that button doesn't go away after the cursor moves outside the area (unless the cursor hovers over or clicks on another button).

To make things more consistent, the highlight should be turned off after the cursor leaves the button (unless the button has been clicked and a song is being played).

2. In the Config menu, there is an option choosing between "KB+Mouse" and "DualShock." But my general sense is: regardless of my choice, both my Keyboard/Mouse and DualShock are always functional in the game. So it looks like they are always both on (and I really like it that way), and the option doesn't make any difference. If so, can we just take the option off the menu and replace it with something else?
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Re: Two minor things about menus

Post by vit9696 »

The good news is that we know about the mess in the menus, and even have a large 7-page todo regarding the issue.
The bad news is that it is a longterm todo, which we constantly delay due to few people playing with the gamepads and due to various other issues (e.g. touch support on iOS :D).

All in all the preference you mentioned is meant not to disable anything but optimise the controls for pad or mouse.
For example, if you think of Config menu, when using a gamepad you'd expect to be able to select a preference by using up and down arrow keys, and that's not what happens now. It is similar to the Music box, where the gamepad preference is enforced regardless of your choice (it's not like you should be able to deselect a button if you had already chosen one but your only option would be jump to another).

Currently it is a dummy and literally does nothing. Pray for a fix sooner or later :)
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Joined: 08 Jul 2016, 21:35
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Re: Two minor things about menus

Post by YNagato »

A 7 pages wish list to look forward to! Every day is Christmas day!
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