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Search found 2 matches

by chidosir
05 Aug 2021, 21:28
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства
Replies: 63
Views: 149653

Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Are there any tips to improve performance, besides what's mentioned in the first post? Playing on a Xiaomi MI A1 (SD 625, Adreno 506, 4gb ram) and while it is playable some animations seem to run at a low framerate. The text as it comes is pretty choppy most times, and the lip syncing as well. But ...
by chidosir
11 Apr 2021, 14:50
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства
Replies: 63
Views: 149653

Re: [EN/RU] Mobile devices / Мобильные устройства

Are there any tips to improve performance, besides what's mentioned in the first post? Playing on a Xiaomi MI A1 (SD 625, Adreno 506, 4gb ram) and while it is playable some animations seem to run at a low framerate. The text as it comes is pretty choppy most times, and the lip syncing as well. But t...