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Search found 8 matches

by frejohn
11 Jan 2020, 00:46
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Change Umineko Project requirements
Replies: 3
Views: 6532

Re: Change Umineko Project requirements

Yeah, seems fair enough- Thanks for answering!
by frejohn
11 Jan 2020, 00:18
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Change Umineko Project requirements
Replies: 3
Views: 6532

Change Umineko Project requirements

As of now, 10/01/2020, UmiPro requires you to have the PS3 games and the old Japanese PC version. It is pointless to require that, Alchemist has gone bankrupt few years ago and a new PS4/Switch version is coming. Not only Umineko is legally available on Steam for Western fans, but 07th Expansion has...
by frejohn
05 Jan 2020, 00:58
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement
Replies: 8
Views: 11289

Re: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement

At the end I went with playing the game on Wine. Works fine. Thanks for your help, though.
by frejohn
03 Jan 2020, 19:07
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement
Replies: 8
Views: 11289

Re: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement

Hmmm, from the gif it looks like cursor positioning is reported incorrectly to the game: — Since only one button is highlighted, then the graphics driver should be fine. — Also, since it happens at highlight level, gamepad is also unrelated. All in all that means that your operating system reports ...
by frejohn
03 Jan 2020, 18:37
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement
Replies: 8
Views: 11289

Re: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement

Hello, Could you please provide more details on what happens? I am not sure I understood you properly. — when you move the cursor in the game, it works normally? — when you move the cursor over buttons, do they highlight and behave otherwise normally? — when you click on the button, what exactly ha...
by frejohn
03 Jan 2020, 17:16
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement
Replies: 8
Views: 11289

Linux: the game doesn't respond correctly to mouse movement

I'm on a HP notebook and on Manjaro (Arch-based distro) Linux. The game doesn't respond correctly to the touchpad/mouse movement, like you can see the cursor moving "correctly" but the game doesn't respond accordingly, e.g. if I try to start a new episode and move my cursor on 'start', the...