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Search found 3 matches

by backstagehands
03 Jun 2019, 00:02
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: [OS X] Invalid Launch Directory Error
Replies: 3
Views: 8627

Re: [OS X] Invalid Launch Directory Error

Oh, yep, running xattr that did fix it! I used the Unarchiver which was probably not unsetting it– all works now. Thanks so much for the help Vit!! 🙇
by backstagehands
02 Jun 2019, 09:36
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: [OS X] Invalid Launch Directory Error
Replies: 3
Views: 8627

Re: [OS X] Invalid Launch Directory Error

I realized I am missing an ons.cfg file that most other players here seem to have, but for the life of me can't figure out where it is on the current downloads page– apologies if I'm missing something painfully obvious...
by backstagehands
02 Jun 2019, 06:31
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: [OS X] Invalid Launch Directory Error
Replies: 3
Views: 8627

[OS X] Invalid Launch Directory Error

Hello! I just did a fresh download for Umineko Project for OS X (not upgrading from a previous version, just grabbed all the files new yesterday), but trying to run the engine gives me an Invalid Launch Directory error. It seems like this is usually because of the missing default.cfg, but I seem to ...