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Search found 2 matches

by MugiwaraX
29 May 2018, 03:20
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Game File verification each time i run the game
Replies: 3
Views: 10304

Re: Game File verification each time i run the game

vit9696 wrote: 26 May 2018, 14:26 Hello, make sure you installed extra update properly. You can extract it once more.
Still didn't fix it, I downloaded the extra rar file and extracted it on the same file that I installed again but still it didn't change a thing.
by MugiwaraX
26 May 2018, 02:43
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Game File verification each time i run the game
Replies: 3
Views: 10304

Game File verification each time i run the game

Hello there,

Each time I run the game it always starts verifying and, checking files and, it says that there are files that are modified and it also says Verification Failed but it runs normally here are the images:



Thanks You.