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Search found 2 matches

by Striker
18 Jan 2018, 20:55
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Couldn't init OpenGL with any resolution
Replies: 7
Views: 12218

Re: Couldn't init OpenGL with any resolution

I'd like to try an alpha if possible. Also, can anyone ask for access to this alpha? I know another person who's having the same problem right now.
by Striker
18 Jan 2018, 06:28
Forum: General Discussion / Обсуждение
Topic: Couldn't init OpenGL with any resolution
Replies: 7
Views: 12218

Couldn't init OpenGL with any resolution

I have a laptop with an Intel Graphics HD 3000 as GPU and if I try to run it an error like this happens. https://i.imgur.com/pgTdd2z.png I tried messing around with the config files and changing window-width to other sizes but the same error also happens, only the numbers change. This issue isn't in...