2016-04-15 11:27:21
I noticed a problem with the new onscripter file. It crashes at the beginning of ep.3 after the animation of golden butterflies before
I think it has something to do with animation effect but i could be wrong. Thank you for your hard work
I noticed a problem with the new onscripter file. It crashes at the beginning of ep.3 after the animation of golden butterflies before
- [+] Spoiler
- Virgilia
I think it has something to do with animation effect but i could be wrong. Thank you for your hard work

- [+] Spoiler
- Error occured on Friday, April 15, 2016 at 13:12:59.
onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe caused an Access Violation at location 007B4D5F in module onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe Reading from location 0000002C.
Loading symbols... done.
eax=212c22c0 ebx=00000000 ecx=212797e0 edx=ffffffaf esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=007b4d5f esp=014bfb10 ebp=212797e8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00210202
AddrPC Params
007B4D5F 00000000 00000004 014BFC68 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!GPU_GetModelViewProjection
007B52CE 212795E0 00462BD9 00000000 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!GPU_GetModelViewProjection
004BE0F4 00000000 212797E8 014BFB68 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!SDL_LogCritical
00462BD9 01570000 00000000 00000016 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!0x62bd9
76587990 034DC5B8 212795E0 014BFBAC msvcrt.dll!_malloc
004630E0 034DC754 00000061 0500766F onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!0x630e0
00416B8A 00000000 00000000 00000000 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!0x16b8a
004170D7 00004000 00000001 00000000 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!0x170d7
00B41EE0 014BFD40 034DBCC0 03525A40 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!GPU_GetModelViewProjection
00403B80 03525A14 03525A14 014BFD40 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!0x3b80
00403B80 01570000 03525938 03525940 onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe!0x3b80
7750B598 00000010 00000000 03524780 ntdll.dll!@RtlpLowFragHeapFree@12
01580000 27310988 01580000 00001072
onscripter-ru_win_r1980.exe 2016.1.1.0
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