1 — No, because even though it is WH, it still needs to match PS3 lines. I guess you will happen to have more a little bit more product references, but they will simply say not what the voicing says making some stuff a bit awkward if you have a grasp of Japanese. My personal opinion is that the stuff that did not make it into PS3 is really not worth fighting for, we actually mentioned some product references in the Grimoire, where we thought it may be funny
2 — Mangagamer.
3 — There is a new OP in PlayStation 3, I do not call it censoring though. We have an ons.cfg option to enable the old one. There was a scene remade in episode 2 with a new song. But once again I would not call that censoring. For the completeness we provided the original scene in the omake.
4 — Yes, pretty much. They did not try to censor violence at all to our surprise. I would say there is no real drawback that we could not have fixed. Among the closest to what you mean there was an unpleasant alcohol scene censorship in episode 2, but we managed to preserve it in the release