2021-03-17 10:19:28
I compiled Onscripter-RU from it's github because they didn't had executable for Linux 32 bit systems,
And it showed this error in logs, (I even ran it in Wine, and it showed me exactly the same error)
As you can see, something is outdated
But I'm not exactly sure what should i do, i tried googling and all but no luck,
OS : Debian 10, i386
And it showed this error in logs, (I even ran it in Wine, and it showed me exactly the same error)
Parsing command-line options from 'ons.cfg'
set:archive_path: "/home/vansh/Umineko/"
Available crash reporter features error code 0
save:archive_path: "/home/vansh/.onscripter/ONScripter-e21d7/:/home/vansh/Umineko/"
Trying to initialise GL2 renderer
GPU_CreateTargetFromWindow: BACKEND ERROR - Renderer major version (2) is incompatible with the available OpenGL runtime library version (1).
GPU_InitRendererByID: BACKEND ERROR - Renderer OpenGL 2 failed to initialize properly
glDeleteFramebuffersNOOP: Unsupported operation
***[Fatal] Init Error: Couldn't init OpenGL with 1920x1080 resolution ***
Renderer major version (2) is incompatible with the available OpenGL runtime library version (1).
OS : Debian 10, i386