Problem voices with static


2018-01-26 03:01:10

Dont know if anyone has this problem, but when maria or jessica speak in the story theres some noise or distortion along, kind of like when the radio or tv have static or bad reception,but it doesnt seem to happen when I replay the voice, is there any known way to fix it? Had the same problem with the old one with ps3 voices and graphics

Also if theres any way to reduce the speed in which the ending texts roll?

Forgot to put that Im on win 7 64bits with version 4.2b

EDIT: Tried on another PC with and without a DAC and the problem with the audio persists, its more thyan just marie and jessica, others as well in tea party 1 is easy to tell with the 3 first characters that speak
Heres a link with a recording of the problem:!p5JEAQAD!DUhQa7impQvK ... lrrHtreV70


2018-01-26 08:02:24


Regarding the ending scrolls we have to stick to PS3 synchronisation. The speed is 1:1 equal to what PS3 has, and because most of the scrolls are synchronised to the music, we simply cannot make them scroll slower. Sorry.

As for noises, I do not think they exist on macOS and iOS at least. Does changing the volume level make any difference? There are several ons.cfg options options to fine-tune volume output. Could you try a different audio driver?


Another thing to try could be changing the audio buffer size:


Instead of 8 you could yse 1, 2 (default), 4, 8, 16.
Other than that we have another driver and a number of audio subsystem changes in the upcoming update. You should probably try these suggestions, and if nothing helps, may I ask you to try the alpha?


2018-01-26 08:25:32

tried all combinations of audiodriver and audiobuffer, changing pc volume and indiidual volume in game and the problem persists.
Though when I replay it on the log it sounds just fine, like the bgm is failing instead of the voices, could be wrong though.
How do I go to trying the alpha?, I already filled all the profile fields that appear in the alpha post

EDIT: Just remembered, the same problem ocurrs in the Umitweak version and something similar happened when I played higurashi, but I played that without voices and the music had that problem.


2018-01-26 08:36:55

I added you to the list of alpha testers (see this forum for more details: α-testing / α-тестирование).
The new driver to try is




2018-01-26 18:30:57

Tried the new driver and nothing.
Also tried the game in another computer and the same.
Asked other people and they all heard it (thought for a bit I was crazy), also played the voices separately from the game folder and the bgm and cant hear the same noise.


2018-01-27 02:11:49

I think we were able to reproduce and identify the problem. Here it only reproduces when all the volume levels are set to the maximum, but I suppose it varies depending on the tracks and voices.
Please try the binary which includes a workaroud: ... ae22d84c72
For the time being the fix is not turned on by default, because we are not sure about the consequences. To enable it you need to pass an ons.cfg option:


Here f32 is one of the audio formats, float 32-bit. All in all there are 6 formats: s8, u8, s16 (default), u16, s32, f22. u/s formars stand for unsigned and signed integral formats.
Try them all nd tell us if you have any differences not just in sound clipping but perhaps performance, stabilty, and sound quality.


2018-01-27 19:11:19

Just tried it (f32), no more audio problem, have only tried the tea party that I know had the problem.
Will keep playing and tell if I find any problem or anything.

Thanks :)


2018-01-27 23:03:05

An error ocurrer in episode 2, in the link theres an image, the game closes after pressing ok.
It was the alpha 5.1 with audioformat f32
It happens even without the audioformat f32 with the onscript r2974
With onscript r2967 it doesnt shoiw the error.


2018-01-27 23:11:08

This is fixed, but we haven't upped an updated script yet. See [EN] Crash in Turn of the Golden Witch, Chapter 10. Next time please post alpha-specific issues in the alpha forums :)


2018-02-05 23:52:54

I can hear this static in Maria's lines now.



2018-02-06 10:55:03

Deca, do you have the relevant ons.cfg parameter that fixes it?


2019-02-04 07:20:31

This problem is very much common in Windows 7 and this error is mainly categorized under the Windows update error code 8007000e and it can easily be solved by just updating the Windows properly.