About Chiru..


2016-09-21 10:11:48

When can we expect episode 5 of Chiru to release? And will there be an option to switch between the reorchestrated tracks and the original PC tracks? For example, In rondo the track system0 had no vocals, and fishy aroma and other tracks sounded different than their other counterparts, so it would be nice to have an option to switch.


2016-09-21 11:27:50


Regarding chiru the information is classified :) We are preparing a small feature update, however, and it will land pretty soon.

Regarding the PC tracks it is an interesting question, and previously we had some discussion on the topic. In most cases PS3 bgms have better quality as in better samples of the instruments or recording, so including the pc ones would not gain much if any improvement. Some tracks (e.g. tsurupettan or system0 with voices) are included as a bonus and appear in the Music box and/or in certain extra scenes.

If you still think this is not enough, I guess you could help us with both rondo and chiru by submitting properly named and encoded set of audio tracks. I.e. umib_XXX.ogg, 2 channel 48 KHz 256 KBit/s OGG Vorbis. If you take this responsibility onto yourself I will add the necessary scripting to support them.
Sounds like a deal?)


2016-09-21 14:42:06

Nah, i'm not very good regarding audio and stuff, so i'll pass. anyway, love the work you guys have been doing. This is easily the best way to experience Umineko on PC, keep up the great work!


2017-06-16 20:48:26

5 эпизод будет обновлением для текущей сборки или первым эпизодом в новой отдельной папке с игрой?


2017-06-16 21:44:11

Обновлением. Но игры будут формально разные (разные трофеи, сохранения, меню и пр.)