2016-09-19 03:28:06
Secondly, I will express my gratitude and encouragement to the admins and everyone involved for undertaking the task of putting together a definitive version of this work, keeping quality and compatibility in mind from start to finish. Thank you , well done with Rondo, and best of luck going forward.
Third, something is wrong with the FAQ. A couple of questions (ironically including one asking for help with the website) are trapped in a link href. See picture:
Fourth, as the Chiru alpha draws closer, i wonder what you will be doing with the intro videos. With Rondo it was easy, as only one of the intros exist with PS3 sprites anyway, but in Chiru both intros exist with PS3 sprites ( and Will you be using the PS3 intro everywhere, or will you be inserting the fan-made PC openings with PS3 sprites? Or leaving it as an option?
Myself, I feel that the PC openings have their place, and distinguish 5-6 from 7-8 in a nice way, so I would use the PS3 intro for starting the game, and the PC intros (with PS3 sprites) in the story. But then again, I know this port attempts to approximate the PS3 version.